SecuSUITE for Samsung KNOX (SS4SK) – Secusmart’s latest solution for authorities – turns your Samsung Galaxy phone or tablet (SecuTABLET) into your personal mobile Fort-Knox.
Hardware crypto solution for encrypted telephony, platform and data security.
Available on modern premium Galaxy Knox smartphones and tablets.
SecuTABLET – the safest tablet in the world.

VS-NfD of the BSI (DE) – SecuSUITE for Samsung KNOX SecuTABLET has already been granted provisional approval from the German BSI.
SecuSUITE for Samsung Knox COMPLETE aaS
Whether company, authority or VIP
You want to start using SecuSUITE for Samsung Knox / SecuTABLET immediately without having to invest in back-end infrastructure?
Start with SecuSUITE for Samsung Knox COMPLETE as a Service
SecuSUITE for Samsung Knox On-Premise
Do you want to get the complete infrastructure for SecuSUITE for Samsung Knox inhouse?
ICSL gladly offers you an on-premise solution.